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Logo Leuchtturm Acquisition - a lighthouse for successful acquisition

Over 180 successful projects with nearly
110 clients in the last 17 years!

- IT Industry -

“It ran to my complete satisfaction, and I see no reason for any changes. Ms. Purucker has left a friendly, convincing, and professionally competent impression on all conversation partners. I would like to express my gratitude once again.
Friedrich Schraml, Datenschutzbüro Schraml
"We see that this will lead to good orders for us, although we're not there yet. Just keep going and push forward :)"
Konstantin Nagel, Managing Director, KonSer Systems OHG
"We are fully satisfied with the collaboration so far. The result is taking us further."
Bernd Pacholczyk, Managing Director, Denzhorn Computer-Service GmbH Software für Businessplanung
"The Leuchtturm helped us overcome the hurdle of cold acquisition. The yield in terms of newly gained projects is rather meager, which could be attributed to our offering. Therefore, the collaboration has also prompted us to reconsider our product."
Thorsten Schatz, Owner, SOFTWARE TEAM